Hundreds of women in Columbus are trapped on the streets.
Life Beyond the Streets is a faith-based non-profit group of peer recovery coaches with intimate knowledge of how addiction, homelessness and mental health issues entrap women who are vulnerable and alone.
It’s our promise and our mission to help women find the freedom of recovery.
To break free of a life of sex trafficking, prostitution, homelessness and danger to find sobriety, stability and security. We are uniquely equipped to do this. Because we are living success stories… starting with our founder, Khaleeqa Sadiika.

Survivor Retreats
Weekend Ministries
We host Survivor Retreats throughout the year providing women of abuse, addiction, human trafficking, and homelessness with an opportunity to connect with other survivors. They participate and learn multiple coping skills all while focusing on healing mentally, physically and spiritually from their previous traumas. They often work on things like Vision Boards helping them find their authentic selves. They receive gift bags, a makeover, facials, and massages which increases self-esteem and self-worth. Survivors enjoy quality food, safe fun, fitness, and resources for sustainable daily living.
Saturday Street Ministries
3- 5 pm
Every other Saturday we go to the street and deliver Love Bags.

Our Love Bags make a difference
Love Lunch Bags served
Stay Safe Love Bags distributed
Women given help and hope at our drop-in center

Donate a Love Bag...or two!
With your support, more women will find a free and love-filled life. We provide three different Love Bags:
Because she deserves a nice balanced meal.
Street essentials
We give her hope with toiletries, items to keep her warm and safe.
Treatment center
We coordinate access to treatment and help her see her potential to rewrite her story with a care package to get her started.